Push Pump Cost Savings

The Indispensible push pump will save you money by not over outputting from the dispenser.  MBHD LLC does not benefit from over outputting it’s dispensers and that’s one of the reasons this product was developed.

A typical soap dispenser has a 1.5cc output which means about 148 pumps between fillings.  The Indispensible™ has a .5cc output and goes approximately 370 pumps between filling. That’s twice as long, providing extremely quick payback on this investment by not wasting the dispensed product.  The Indispensible™ can provide payback less cleaning of the counters and shelves it has freed up, lessening the chances of getting ill by encouraging hand washing (feeling better!!), reduced medical expenses by not becoming ill, the spread of Covid, Covid-19, Corona, Coronavirus, and more productivity (feeling better!!).

